The CIE was co-founded in 2010. Here are the current co-curators.
Alexendrine Boudreault-Fournier
Dr. Boudreault-Fournier is a professor of anthropology at the University of Victoria. She specializes in visual anthropology, sound, relational aesthetics, digital technologies, cultural policy, and Cuban and Latin American studies, and her research explores an “ethnography of image and sound production” through experiments with audio-visual media.
Dara Culhane
Co-Founder, Co-Curator
Dara Culhane teaches Anthropology at Simon Fraser University. Her work is inspired by practices of sensuous, creative, and imaginative ethnography, and a fascination with voice and oral/aural performance infuses her research and pedagogy. She is an associate teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework, and her current work in progress includes “Encore! Travels With The Ghost of Margaret Sheehy,” a manuscript inspired by memory work; “Hear Me Looking At You,” a solo performance drawn from archival research; and, “Playing With Worlds,” an experimental film with children in collaboration with Simone Rapisarda. Dara’s work with the CIE inside and outside academe is driven by her desire to support original critical work, and hope.
Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston
Co-Founder, Co-Curator
Magdalena is an anthropologist, performance theorist, theatre director and playwright. She is Associate Professor of Theatre, and has graduate appointments in Theatre & Performance Studies and Social Anthropology at York University. Her research interests include performance ethnography, ethnographic storytelling, ethnographic (non)fiction, multimodal ethnography, physical and political theatre and performance. Her book, Staging Strife (2010), was awarded the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Outstanding Qualitative Book Award and the Canadian Association for Theatre Research Ann Saddlemyer Book Prize (2011). Her article, “quiet Theatre: The Radical Politics of Silence,” was awarded the Canadian Association for Theatre Research (CATR) 2019 Richard Plant Prize for the best English-language article on a Canadian theatre or performance topic.
Cristina Moretti
Co-Founder, Co-Curator & Director
Cristina Moretti is interested in how people inhabit, narrate, theorize, and co-imagine city spaces. Her book, Milanese Encounters: Public Space and Vision in Contemporary Urban Italy (2015), examines the shifting meanings of public space in Milan, and discusses how practices of seeing and being seen help situate inhabitants in place and in a complex net of social relations. Her current project, “Orange Boxes” takes construction fences as a point of departure for conversations and interventions on urban changes in Vancouver. Other research interests include visual anthropology, migration and neoliberalism, and the anthropology of education.
Simone Rapisarda
Simone Rapisarda is a filmmaker and Assistant Professor of Film at Simon Fraser University. In his films he employs collaborative process-driven research and production methodologies to explore novel intercultural translation of peoples, places, and relationships. Such methodologies are in part themselves the subject of the films, infusing them with layers of critical reflexivity. All of his work engages the themes of futurity, resilience, and self-determination among people living in conditions of political and environmental instability. He has developed his filmmaking practice in diverse settings: the Caribbean, Europe, and most recently, Canada.
Sarah Louis Turner
Sarah Louise Turner is a voice, acting, and presentation-skills coach who has been with the Teaching & Learning Centre at Simon Fraser University since 2005. Over the past 15 years she has taught at a variety of institutions, including the Vancouver Film School, the William Davis Centre for Actors’ Study, the Tooba Physical Theatre, Indiana University, and SFU’s School for the Contemporary Arts. Sarah has a busy private practice as a guest speaker, workshop leader, and facilitator. Her clients include the Royal Bank of Canada, Blast Radius, the Vancouver Foundation, the University of British Columbia, and the Vancouver Opera. With an MFA from Indiana University, she brings her skills as an extremely accomplished performer to all aspects of her work. Her experience as an actor includes performances in Canada and the United States that have earned her numerous accolades including a Jessie Richardson Award nomination and roles with Bard on the Beach, Stanley Theatre, Touchstone Theatre, and many more. Sarah is also an Instructional Skills Workshop facilitator at SFU and currently serves as president on the board of Pangaea World Arts Theatre.
Denielle Elliott
Denielle is currently working on two projects: 1) A social history of patrilineages of epidemiological knowledge emerging from the University of Manitoba in the 1970s and 1980s and 2) an ethnography of traumatic brain injuries and cerebral suffering (funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and SSHRC). She is the author of Reimagining Science and Statecraft in Postcolonial Kenya: Stories from an African Scientist (Routledge, 2018) and co-editor (with Dara Culhane) of A Different Kind of Ethnography (UTP, 2017). Other publications can be found here.